Reporter: Janine Cohen
Date: 07/05/2007 Program Transcript
JANINE COHEN: Ed Brown's been fighting prostate cancer for years but he says he can't fight old age. He's 83.
(ジャニー・コーエン(=番組のレポータ&ナレーター=以下この人の部分は発言者名を省略します) : エド・ブラウンは前立腺ガンと何年も戦ってきましたが、彼は老いていくこととは戦わないと言ってます。彼は今83歳です。)
ED BROWN: While ever you've got some enjoyment in life, people will cling to life and hang on to it. It's when the quality of life is gone, nowhere the essential things you can only do for yourself until you become an invalid, well, you stick to life.
JANINE COHEN: Ed Brown is not religious and has no qualms with taking his own life if faced with going into a nursing home. His wife Coral has similar plans.
ED BROWN: Once my quality of life has gone to the stage where I can't live my life as I want, I won't want to hang around.
JANINE COHEN: When do you plan to do this?
ED BROWN: Well, I don't know. It might be next year, it might be five years. I've got no idea.
JANINE COHEN: Ed and his son Richard are very close but they don't see eye-to-eye on this issue.
RICHARD BROWN, ED'S SON: You went to Canberra for the euthanasia conference?
ED BROWN: Yes, the Day of Shame, they called it. Two busloads of people went to Canberra. The most common form of suicide amongst old people is hanging themselves. What a dreadful thing - for your loved ones to come and find you hanging. I couldn't do that. But I will find a way.
(エド:ああ、行ってきたとも。「The Day of Shame」だと呼んでいるんだ。バス二台連ねてキャンベラまで行ったんだよ。高齢者の自殺で最も多いのが首つり自殺なんだよ、まったくなんてことだ。自分の愛する家族に自分がぶら下がってるのを発見されるわけだろ?とてもそんなこと出来ないね。なんとか別の方法を考えるさ。)
RICHARD BROWN, ED'S SON: If we get a feeling of compulsion about it, I wouldn't feel comfortable with that. His life is his responsibility. I love him very, very much. It's a subject that is very emotional for me. It's one that I would struggle with to talk to him. I'd be struggling with not coming to tears with it.
JANINE COHEN: Richard, a practising Christian, believes through suffering, people grow just as Jesus Christ did.
RICHARD BROWN, ED'S SON: It is part of life. It's an unpleasant part but I think that most psychologists, psychiatrists would agree that the major growth we have personally is through suffering. Christianity isn't about being comfortable and doing what pleases you. It's about realising our life on this earth is a gift and we have a responsibility to live responsibly.
ED BROWN: It's not my belief. I don't believe suffering does anybody any good and people should be able to end it one way or the other.
JANINE COHEN: Richard says that life is a gift and it's not up to an individual to decide when it ends.
ED BROWN: That's a religious belief. Most religions believe that. I'm not religious. If they believe that, good luck to them but I believe that life ends when all quality's gone out of it. That's the time.
JANINE COHEN: A constant question regarding old people wanting to suicide is - do they feel they're a burden?
DR ROSANNA CAPOLINGUA, AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: They don't want to be putting other people under pressure, needing to care for them. They don't like their options for continuing life, and so they suicide. I think the suicide then is not the answer. We need to find answers about how to make them feel differently about themselves and feel valuable so they don't want to choose death.
RICHARD BROWN, ED'S SON: How does he feel about being dependent on others? Maybe that's a big question, one that I haven't really discussed with him in detail. He's an independent person and maybe his fear is being dependent on others more so than other things.
ED BROWN: No, that's not a major factor with me at all. I wouldn't want to be a burden on other people but I'd feel I'd be a burden on myself if I couldn't do the things I want to do with myself. I've always been fairly independent and I want to remain that way.
JANINE COHEN: Ed's son Richard has two teenaged daughters.
RICHARD BROWN, ED'S SON: When it comes to the kids, in a way, as a parent, I want to protect them. But they also need to know what's going on so I'm not going to protect them all that much. I will tell them what is happening.
JANINE COHEN: How do you think Richard explains to the grandchildren that the grandparents have taken their own lives? How do you go through that process?
ED BROWN: I should imagine it would be rather different for Richard.
JANINE COHEN: Ed Brown has some equipment which he'll use to suffocate himself if he can't get something else. His son is torn. He doesn't want his father to suicide yet he hates the thought of him dying alone. You said if you thought it would make a difference, you would camp outside your father's house.
RICHARD BROWN, ED'S SON: If I thought it would make a difference, yeah. I'd do what had to be done.
ED BROWN: I don't think he'd go to those extremes but if he did, it wouldn't make any difference. I'd hope he'd come in and be with me when it happened. I can hope for that.
JANINE COHEN: 91-year-old Bill Cooper has been rehearsing his suicide method but he won't do anything while he is the primary carer for his wife Joyce, who has Alzheimer's Disease. Are you still planning to take your own life?
BILL COOPER: Yes. It's on hold, unfortunately, while I'm a carer. You feel responsible for another person. Unfortunately I can't shake that feeling of responsibility and I feel that when my wife finally doesn't recognise me and I can't do anything for her, I still have time to go but I feel that will allow me to go as well.
DOLORES PERRY, BILL'S DAUGHTER: I think that if you can see what happens to people when they lose dignity and they're relying on others, clearly he's had a look at that and felt that that's not where he wants to be.
JANINE COHEN: Bill Cooper's greatest fear is that one day he will collapse and wake up in a nursing home.
BILL COOPER: When you're old, you usually collapse in the shower. You're taken away to the hospital and from there on, you're history. You're under the dictatorship of the medical profession. They tell you what to do and they order you about. Of course, you're at a stage where you can't do much about it.
DR ROSANNA CAPOLINGUA, AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Perhaps we need to be thinking of the fact that providing care is, in fact, a very dignified thing, receiving care from our own human kind is indeed something that happens with dignity and that whole process of coming to the end of life when you are needing care perhaps is something that enriches our society.
JANINE COHEN: A few years ago Bill Cooper started researching how to end his life. He's read many books and he's been to an end-of-life workshop.
BILL COOPER: I am not going to use this tomorrow. I might have to keep this as an insurance for the future - that might be some years down the track.
JANINE COHEN: The retired public servant has decided he will use a complicated mechanical method that will result in suffocation.
BILL COOPER: You test everything to see that it is working and going well. In my case, certainly I would have rehearsed it many times. And no one can do this properly and effectively unless they've made a detailed study of it so they have the right procedures, the right techniques and the right equipment. My main fear is that people don't die easily, they convulse. I'm no expert in these matters but in the next, I'd be concerned mainly that I might make a jerky movement that might upset the applecart.
DOLORES PERRY, BILL'S DAUGHTER: He's actually going to get this right when he does it and in fact if you don't get it right, my understanding is that, you know, he could leave himself in a more vulnerable or worse position, but the fact that he has to actually practise this is a pretty sad indictment on society, I think.
BILL COOPER: I think I am the only sane person and everyone else is mad. But still, I don't want to be sitting around nursing homes, month in and month out, living a miserable life. I can't see any life in that at all.
PROFESSOR TONY BROE, GERIATRICIAN: Most of the figures I know say that about 70 per cent of people across the board think you should be allowed to kill yourself if you're faced with serious alternatives, and most people realise that while nursing homes are good, they're not ideal.
PROFESSOR SOL ENCEL, SOCIOLOGIST: But there again, like so many other things in life, it's a matter of class differences. The more affluent you are the better the grade of aged care you're going to get.
JANINE COHEN: Lorna Price, who lives in the exclusive Sydney suburb of Mosman, won't be using the same suicide method as Bill Cooper. Instead she wants one day to have access to a pill.
LORNA PRICE: The pill is not available which is why I'm prepared to speak up. I think it should be available and I think there's a big need for it. People are living longer and longer, our lives are being drawn out, there's a lot of money being spent on extending our lives but no money available at all to end them if we want to.
JANINE COHEN: After her husband died 25 years ago, Lorna Price became interested in learning how to end her own life when she could no longer care for herself. What she discovered was there were few peaceful ways that were legally available.
LORNA PRICE: I guess I've always planned, and my husband was a planner. I just don't want to be able to not look after myself, achieving things in my life - not big things like Nobel prizes but just weeding the garden, something like that - I think that's a tremendous contribution to happiness. And to just be inert and not do anything, not to cook your own dinner, not to choose what you're going to wear, not be able to wash yourself even, I think they are the main factors.
JANINE COHEN: Some doctors raise depression as a factor in suicide. And they say depression often goes undetected and untreated in the elderly.
DR ROSANNA CAPOLINGUA, AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Depression in the elderly is certainly something that we as clinicians, as doctors, as GPs need to be very aware of and need to have the conversation with our patients about how they're feeling, how they're viewing their lives.
(ロザンナ・カポリングア医師 : 高齢者の鬱というのは、臨床医、医師、一般医としては非常に注意すべきことであり、彼らがどう感じているか、自分の人生をどう見ているかについて、常に言葉を交わすように心がけるべきでしょう。)
JANINE COHEN: Long-time experts on geriatrics, Professor Sol Encel and Professor Tony Broe disagree.
PROFESSOR SOL ENCEL, SOCIOLOGIST: Depression doesn't start with age, and the evidence is not that older people are more depressed than other, younger people. If older people are more depressed it's for reasons apart from the fact they're over 70 or over 80.
PROFESSOR TONY BROE, GERIATRICIAN: I believe that as long as you're fit and healthy and not disabled, you get more contented and less depressed as you get older.
JANINE COHEN: Are you depressed?
LORNA PRICE: No, I don't think I'm depressed. I get fed up with things, But I can't even think of what I get fed up with. I am sure I would get fed up if I couldn't walk, or couldn't look after myself, but then I can't understand why anybody wouldn't. No, I don't think I'm depressed at all.
JANINE COHEN: Should be talking to a psychiatrist before you decide to... ?
LORNA PRICE: (Laughs) No! I don't think so.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: One of the big advantages of the liquid form of this drug...
(EXIT AUSTRALIAという高齢者の自殺のための会を組織しているフィリップ・ニッチェ医師(自殺セミナー会場の風景) : この薬剤を液状で服用するメリットというのは、、、)
JANINE COHEN: At this Exit workshop in Melbourne, Philip Nitschke takes elderly people step by step through the various suicide methods, not all of which are legal. Of all the ways to kill yourself, he recommends the prohibited drug Nembutal.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: If you want the best you've got to get Nembutal. There may be something yet to be developed that is better but as of now the best drug for a peaceful end of life choice is Nembutal. It can be injected or it can be simply drunk. I have never seen anyone drink a bottle of this drug and finish their whisky. That's all you need. One bottle.
JANINE COHEN: Almost a decade ago pentobarbitone was removed from sale for human use when a new and less dangerous class of drugs became available. Before that Nembutal, the trade name for the drug, was only available on prescription. Now its use is restricted to veterinarians for euthanasing and sedating animals.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: It's history. There's an advert out of the 1950s women's magazine. It's a Nembutal advert. That's the Women's Weekly in the 1950s. You may not be able to read it but it says "tops in taste, colour, appeal and miscibility. Nembutal elixir. If you are having trouble with that fractious two year old, a few teaspoons of Nembutal elixir and all your problems are over. That's how common that particular substance was back in the 1950s.
(フィリップ・ニッチェ医師:ちょっと歴史を振り返ってみましょう。1950年に女性雑誌に広告が出されました。ナンブタールの広告です。1950年代のWomen's Weeklyという雑誌の広告です。今となっては入手困難だと思われますが、そこにはこう書かれています。「味、色、効果、混和性において最高品質。ナンブタール・エリクシル(万能の霊薬)。2年にわたる身体の不調も、ナンブタールをスプーン数匙服用するだけでたちまち解消」。いかに50年代においてはこの薬が普通に用いられていたかが分かるでしょう。)
JANINE COHEN: Philip Nitschke is holding up an empty bottle of Nembutal which is virtually impossible to get in Australia. Just possessing the prohibited drug now carries a maximum penalty of two years in prison. But that's no deterrent to many elderly people who go to Tijuana just over the US border in Mexico to buy Nembutal from veterinarian pharmacies. These elderly drug smugglers are all breaking federal customs laws as well as state drugs laws.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: We've got a lot of experience now. We had over 100 people last year go across to Mexico and come back with this drug successfully to Australia. We've had over 20 people this year go over. By 'we' I mean Exit has. I am not saying there is no difficulty. You have to do things carefully. You can't walk across the border coming back into America and wave the drug around because they'll simply take it off you. It's a prohibited import into America and into Australia. It's a very straightforward process....
(フィリップ・ニッチェ医師:私達は既に多くの経験を積んでいます。去年だけで100人以上の方がメキシコまで行かれ、持ち帰ってきておられます。今年になってから既に20名以上の人が行かれています。ここで「私達」というのは、我々のExit Australiaの会としてという意味です。でも、簡単なことだは言ってませんよ。慎重にことを運ぶ必要があります。入手した薬剤を振り回しながら、国境を越えてのんびりアメリカに入るわけにはいきません。たちまち没収されてしまいます。あの薬剤はアメリカでも、オーストラリアでも禁じられてますからね。それはもう一直線に没収、処罰されてしまいます。)
JANINE COHEN: Another 100 elderly people are expected to go to Mexico this year. The Exit group run by Philip Nitschke supplies them with maps showing where the drug can be purchased, photographs of what the drug looks like and details about the cost and any changes in labelling. In Tijuana, they know there's an Australian market for Nembutal.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: ..actually has a sign in the window now which says "Australian veterinarian supplies available here".
CHIANG LIM, RIGHT TO LIFE ASSOCIATION: Philip Nitschke is basically putting these people in harm's way. All he's doing is arming these people with information and then stepping back and letting these people commit a crime. If these people were to actually import and be caught importing these drugs, clearly that's a criminal act that has actually occurred.
(Right to Life協会のチェン・リム医師:フィリップ・ニッチェ医師は、基本的に人々を危地に赴かせているんです。彼のやってることは、情報をもとに人々を武装させ、準備させ、そして犯罪をおかさせているのですから。もし本当に人々が禁じられた薬剤を持ち帰ろうとして捕まったりしたら、それは明白に犯罪行為ですし、実際にそういうことが起きているのです。)
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: I don't think giving people access to good information is dangerous. I mean the flip side of that is to say that the only way... a better way is to make sure that no one knows anything, the safest thing to do is to make sure that people are kept completely in the dark and as I've said earlier the only consequence of that is that you end up having people kill themselves in dreadful ways and I think giving people information is not dangerous. What it is it's empowering.
JANINE COHEN: This woman in her 80s recently returned from Tijuana with her single dose of the drug. The elderly drug smuggler doesn't want to be identified.
ANONYMOUS WOMAN: The poverty and the... it's just awful. You really have to go through filthy streets and you find these little shops that are veterinarians but you...they're not in a cluster, you've got to wander around until you think, there's one over there, you go into that and try that. I didn't go with any idea of immediately using this stuff. I just wanted something in case because I enjoy life. I'm busy, I lead a very active life but I just wanted something in my cupboard, my little stash, and it was no problem really getting it in Mexico.
JANINE COHEN: But many elderly people don't want to take the long trip abroad. These people believe an alternative should be offered in Australia.
BRON NORMAN: There's no way for us to get the best drug which is Nembutal. There's no legal way to get it and that's why some people are going to Mexico to try and buy it, but I'm a bit of a do-it-yourselfer so I'd rather have a go at making my own.
JANINE COHEN: As an act of civil disobedience, 20 elderly people have been making Nembutal in a backyard laboratory. They put $2000 each into the project and all want just one single dose of the drug. The manufacturing of an illicit drug carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.
DR ROSANNA CAPOLINGUA, AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: This shows to me the desperation that we've created in individuals where they believe they need to break the law to have...a way of protest to choose end of life. We have to solve what the desperation is about. We have to relieve them of the need and belief that they should have and need to have the right to choose death over continuing to live.
JANINE COHEN: Should they be prosecuted?
DR ROSANNA CAPOLINGUA, AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: If people break the law they are prosecuted. Those, that's what happens, so yes indeed. If I break the law I should be prosecuted. That's the law of the land and that's the way it goes.
JANINE COHEN: The complex project started in October 2005 when the elderly people went to a secret location in the southern highlands of NSW where they set up an illegal backyard laboratory. Four Corners was given this footage of Exit members making the drug. Lorna Price was there on the day.
LORNA PRICE: I've still always been very law abiding and so has the whole family. But I've just decided I should stand up and be counted here. I'm not a rebel by nature at all but I think I should stand up and be counted 'cause I do think we should have that possibility of ending our lives gently and peacefully.
JANINE COHEN: You don't mind breaking the law?
BRON NORMAN: I'm normally quite law abiding. I happen to believe this law is wrong and I don't feel that I'm breaking any moral law.
CHIANG LIM, RIGHT TO LIFE ASSOCIATION: In my mind I believe Philip Nitschke is driving the demand for these illegal acts. I think he has passionately decided that these people do want it and he is going to provide the information at any cost.
(チャン・リム医師(Right to Life協会):私個人の見解としては、フィリップ・ニッチェ医師が非合法な薬剤に向かって人々を走らせていると思ってます。彼は情熱的に人々がこの薬剤を欲しがっているものと思い、そしていかなる犠牲を払っても情報を提供しようとしているのです。)
JANINE COHEN: And is that morally responsible?
CHIANG LIM, RIGHT TO LIFE ASSOCIATION: I think it is morally irresponsible.
JANINE COHEN: Your opponents would say you're driving it, what would you say to that?
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: Well I mean I, people I talk to, people come into our organisation all the time and I mean it wasn't exactly my idea. People came to me and said, "This is what we want", like they knew that this was the drug they want and so the question is, where can we get it from and so we looked at it, we, I was part of the discussion.
JANINE COHEN: That weekend the 20 elderly people took the first step to making Nembutal. They got their information from a wide range of sources.
JOHN EDGE: It was really the blind leading the blind because, you know, what chemistry we learnt at school was long been forgotten.
JANINE COHEN: They had no chemistry background and were using potentially dangerous chemicals including metallic sodium. University students are only allowed to handle the highly reactive chemical under strict supervision.
JOHN EDGE: The great hazard, of course, is if it comes into contact with water. So that was the great concern... because on the weekend we were using a tent and I was watching the weather all the time because I thought if it rains and we are doing this in a tent and water drips down off the roof of the tent onto the substance well, we won't need to make a peaceful pill, we'll all go out with a big bang but, of course, it didn't happen.
JANINE COHEN: It took them two years and many failures.
JOHN EDGE: It's been an extremely frustrating and difficult time and there have been moments when we've had doubts about whether we would get an outcome to it.
JANINE COHEN: This year the group finally succeeded in their attempts to make the illegal drug.
JOHN EDGE: It's been assayed and it's been shown to contain pentobarbital, which is the active ingredient in Nembutal.
JOHN EDGE: Yes, oh, yes. In accepting we have been involved in what could be described as an illegal activity, and it's made communications via telephones and that something of a no-no.
JANINE COHEN: Some members of the group recently got together. And with this drug, when would you take it?
RUTH MACKINNON: I wouldn't take it until I felt my quality of life was at an end and then if I can get my hands on it I'd, I would be happy to take it.
JANINE COHEN: And has it concerned you that you've been breaking the law?
RUTH MACKINNON: Ah, it has, ah, I don't normally go in for breaking the law.
JANINE COHEN: 96-year-old, Fred Short, is proud of his involvement in the backyard laboratory.
FRED SHORT: I think there should be a legal means for people to choose their own time and place of death and to die with dignity.
JANINE COHEN: And does it worry you that you could possibly go to jail for being involved in this project?
FRED SHORT: No, it never has worried me - mind you at my time of life I probably wouldn't be there for very long.
JANINE COHEN: So, Bron, why did you get involved in this very controversial project?
BRON NORMAN: Because I believe in my right to decide the end of my life the way I have the right to decide the way I live.
JANINE COHEN: Are you sick?
BRON NORMAN: No, not all... I'm very healthy.
JANINE COHEN: So what could you possibly want with this drug at this stage?
BRON NORMAN: I don't need it at this stage but I might need it in the future.
JANINE COHEN: So you might need it if you get old and frail and can't look after yourself, is that it?
RUTH MACKINNON: I do not want to be locked up in a nursing home where all you get is bingo or sing-songs. That's about it.
JANINE COHEN: The liquid Nembutal has been crystallised and is about to be sent to 16 members of the group. Now Dawn, your Nembutal might be arriving very soon, when are you going to take it?
DAWN POYNTER: When I'm ready, when I'm told I can't look after myself.
JANINE COHEN: Does that mean if you've got the drug handy, that you re likely take it earlier?
DAWN POYNTER: Heavens no - and it can't be earlier at 82, can it?
JANINE COHEN: Four Corners has been told there are about 800 elderly people waiting to get involved in making Nembutal in backyard laboratories across Australia. At least four separate projects are about to start in Perth, Sydney, Wollongong and Melbourne. And why such a big queue of people waiting?
JOHN EDGE: Well, I, I think this comes about because of the substance - Nembutal. It's the holy grail of self-deliverance.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: I don't doubt that there will be people who will find their ways into the law courts before this issue is resolved, ah, not just with this strategy, but other strategies. I mean, this is an ongoing strategy, this peaceful pill project.
JANINE COHEN: Does it concern you that authorities might see this as a, sort of, opening the floodgates and lots of illicit backyard laboratories starting up, it might provoke them into taking action?
JOHN EDGE: Well, yes, I can't speak for what the authorities will do but it may well lead to some action and from what I can see, the people that I have spoken to in these groups that are forming all are very much aware of that and they're prepared to go ahead.
JANINE COHEN: Ed Brown is one of those who wants to get involved no matter what the personal cost.
ED BROWN: I put my name forward for it and I hope I'll be chosen. But there's about 1,000 people wanting to get in on it so only the lucky ones will be chosen.
JANINE COHEN: And would you be prepared to go to jail for your beliefs?
ED BROWN: Oh, of course I would. Yes, no point in doing it unless you're prepared for the consequences.
JANINE COHEN: It's that important to you?
ED BROWN: It is.
JANINE COHEN: What about people, the critics who are going to say, "Look, you're an elderly man who's misguided." What would you say to them?
ED BROWN: Oh, I suppose we're all misguided to a certain extent but I hold my beliefs seriously and conscientiously and they are entitled to hold their beliefs seriously and conscientiously but not to foist them on me.
JANINE COHEN: Is this a relatively new phenomenon - elderly people wanting to opt out at a time of their own choosing?
ED BROWN: I don't think so. I think it's been around for a long time. It's become much more obvious because there are so many more older people.
JANINE COHEN: This is an Exit dinner dance and attending are some of society's most unlikely activists. Civil disobedience is traditionally practised by the young, but this may be changing as the elderly population skyrockets. It seems this is a debate that's not going to go away.