Reporter: Janine Cohen
Date: 07/05/2007 Program Transcript
JANINE COHEN: Last year more than 100 elderly people went to Mexico to buy a lethal drug which they then smuggled back into Australia.
(ナレーション=レポーターでもあるジャニー・コーエン、以下のこの人の部分は特に発言者を表記しない) : 昨年、100人以上の高齢者が、メキシコまで行き、致死的な薬物=自殺用の薬物=を購入し、オーストラリアまで密かに持ち帰っています)
ANONYMOUS WOMAN: If I had been caught and put into prison I felt I still was justified in doing what I had done, getting the Nembutal, because I think it's my right.
(匿名の女性:もし私はこれで刑務所に入れられたとしたら、それでも私は自分の権利としてそれ=ネンブタール(※pentobarbital sodium の商品名; 鎮静・催眠薬)を手に入れること=をやったと思うと思うわ。)
JANINE COHEN: Most of these elderly law-breakers don't have a terminal or chronic illness. They plan to take the drug when they're tired of life, when they can no longer look after themselves.
RUTH MACKINNON: I just want it in the cupboard so that when the time comes I can reach for it.
JANINE COHEN: Some elderly people too frail to make the trip to Mexico have turned to other drastic means. They've been making the lethal drug Nembutal in backyard laboratories. If you believe in something, you should be prepared to stand up and face the consequences.
JANINE COHEN: A lot of people would say if you're working in a backyard laboratory to produce an illicit substance, you all deserve to go to jail.
ED BROWN: Well, if so, so be it. I'll serve my time.
BRON NORMAN: It's outrageous that we've been forced into this position because we can't legally obtain a drug that will give us a peaceful death when we want one. It's not illegal to end your life, why is it illegal to have the drug that will do it?
JANINE COHEN: Should there be a pill available to elderly people so they can suicide?
CHIANG LIM, RIGHT TO LIFE ASSOCIATION: No, there shouldn't be. Simply because that's actually society basically saying that they have no value.
(チャン・リム医師(Right to Life協会):私はそうは思いませんね。これは極めて単純な話で、他人の自殺を助ける社会というのは、その人の価値を否定している社会だからです)
JANINE COHEN: Tonight, Four Corners talks to a vocal minority of elderly who plan to suicide when faced with going into nursing homes. Some are taking their complaints to Parliament, while others are going much further. They're committing civil disobedience and breaking laws in what appears to be the next movement to grow out of the euthanasia debate. Four Corners investigates the extreme measures these senior citizens are taking.
Muriel Arnott has dedicated much of her life to helping the elderly. Until recently, she chaired the board of this upmarket aged care facility in Melbourne. A physiotherapist, she's worked with the elderly and been a team leader of Meal on Wheels for 30 years. Today, Muriel Arnott is visiting her 88-year-old mother who was recently admitted into this home after she could no longer care for herself. Muriel Arnott spent years helping to get this aged care facility off the ground but it's not what she wants for herself.
MURIEL ARNOTT: I don't want to come here in my old age because I want another choice for my life. I am certainly thrilled that people who want to come here can have this level of care and in this pleasant environment and the dignity that everything, the environment and the care that they get provides for them, but it's not for me. You're so docile compared to what you used to be...
JANINE COHEN: The Melbourne widow is one of a number of ageing Australians planning to suicide when they can longer look after themselves.
MURIEL ARNOTT: I accept the journey of life and I accept that that journey has an end. I don't accept the fact that the journey is extended unnaturally and I hope that my family will have the respect for me and also understand that I want to have a finalisation of my life at a point at which I still have dignity.
JANINE COHEN: Muriel Arnott is very close to her sons and their families.
CHRIS ARNOTT, MURIEL'S SON: I love my mother enormously and she has a huge involvement in our day-to-day lives, from assisting us with the care of our daughter, through to just being there as part of a close-knit family.
(クリス(ミュリエルさんの息子) : 母のことはとっても好きですよ。母は、僕らの日々の生活に大きく関わっています。僕らの娘の育児を手伝ってくれたり、とても親密な家族の一員としてそこにいてくれるだけのことでも。)
JANINE COHEN: Chris Arnott respects his mother's right to one day take her own life.
CHRIS ARNOTT, MURIEL'S SON: I think she's seen the consequences of not having that choice, particularly through her professional career, and she would like to have that choice to end her life at a time of her choosing.
JANINE COHEN: Did you ever try and talk her out of it?
JANINE COHEN: At 66, Muriel Arnott is a long way off wanting to die.
MURIEL ARNOTT: I don't want to pinpoint an age, a day, a year or anything. I just want to know that when I feel that this is the right time for me then I know what my options are.
JANINE COHEN: Do you know how your mother plans to end her life?
JANINE COHEN: Do you want to know?
CHRIS ARNOTT, MURIEL'S SON: Ah, I'm sure that as the time gets closer, it may well be a topic of discussion.
JANINE COHEN: Would you like to be there?
JANINE COHEN: It's not a crime in Australia to suicide but it's a crime to assist someone else. For that reason many families are cautious about being present at the suicide for fear of being implicated in the death. Muriel Arnott is well aware of the dangers.
MURIEL ARNOTT: I have to make the choice because society, the laws, do not allow that anybody to assist me at that point, so I have to be physically and mentally capable.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: Any drug that you take to end life, taken by mouth, the general recommendation is that an anti-vomiting drug be taken.
("EXIT AUSTRALIA"という団体のフィリップ・ニッチェ医師:自殺をするための薬を、経口で服用する場合、一般的には嘔吐抑制剤も併用すると良いと言われています)
JANINE COHEN: Muriel Arnott will be prepared when the times comes, although she's reluctant to talk about what method she intends to employ. So that she's organised, she along with thousands of other ageing Australians, have been going to end-of-life workshops, run by controversial euthanasia advocate Philip Nitschke. Those attending all have one thing in common.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: If you would be a person who would be even thinking along the lines of taking your own life when you can no longer look after yourself or when you are forced to go into a nursing home. Anyone here of that position? It's pretty clear it's overwhelming.
JANINE COHEN: I think that the group who attend the workshops are vitally active, engaged, engaging, interesting people. And who have the capacity to seek out an opportunity to provide them with choices.
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: We've actually put all of the information that was in the workshop series last year into this book...
JANINE COHEN: It's not a movement the Right to Life Association likes. Earlier this year its complaints led to the banning of a book by Philip Nitschke which had details of suicide methods.
(こういったフィリップ医師の活動はRight to Life協会の好むところではありません。今年のはじめ、Right to Life協会が申立てた苦情は、自殺方法の詳細が書かれているフィリップ医師の本を発売禁止に追い込んでいます。)
※このRight to Life協会というのは、全ての生命を大事にしよう、守ろうという視点から、中絶反対、安楽死反対の活動をしている団体で、ある意味正反対の立場にあると言えるでしょう。ここにホームページがあります。
CHIANG LIM, RIGHT TO LIFE ASSOCIATION: I think these people who come to Nitschke may have, for...potentially the wrong reasons, find themselves in no other circumstances but to consider suicide. My concern is, basically, Nitschke doesn't even help them to explore other positive ways of addressing their issues.
(Right to Life協会のチャン・リム:(フィリップ)ニッチェ医師の主催しているセミナーに訪れる人というのは、潜在的に間違った理由を持っておられる、というか自殺以外に解決方法がないかのように思ってられるのではないでしょうか。私のニッチェ医師の活動に対する根本的な懸念は、これらの人々に自殺以外のポジティブな解決方法を模索すること、そういった視点を与えていないということなんです。
JANINE COHEN: Have you ever talked anyone out of suicide?
DR PHILIP NITSCHKE, EXIT AUSTRALIA: Oh, many times, many times. This idea that we've got this huge pool of very vulnerable, fragile people out there is to do a grave disservice to, I think, and to paternalise, patronise ah...the integrity and the ability of our elderly folk who know exactly what they're doing. Now, we don't advocate hanging. That is a grim horrible death. But we..
※わかりにくい言い方ですが、「とても傷つき易くて繊細な人々」というのは、Right to Life協会の人達のことですね。パターナライズ(パターナリズム)というのは、「父親的温情主義」「慈父主義」と訳されますが、この概念を知らない人には「?」でしょう。父親が子供をよき方向に導くように、良かれと思って他者の人生に干渉するわけで、それは良いことでもあるんだろうけど、反面、一段高い所からアレコレ余計なお節介を焼いている、ありがた迷惑というニュアンスもあります。
JANINE COHEN: The Australian Medical Association has concerns about the movement too.
DR ROSANNA CAPOLINGUA, AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: There's a high level of interest in ending of life because there's such a big... push and insight into the fact that life in a later age perhaps has no value, or is a burden, or is undignified, or costs money to the health system. With all those negative messages with people who have a high level of education, in particular, who process those messages and look at them and say, "Goodness, the best solution is to end my life." I'm not surprised people are attending the workshops.
JANINE COHEN: Like Muriel Arnott, many of those people at the workshops have a medical background. Now, you've both been nurses, yet you want the right to end your own life rather than go into a nursing home or leave your own family home? Why?
JUNE, 80: Well, it's important to me. I just don't want to end up as a vegetable after having a stroke or anything ghastly like that. I know people who have and, of course, I've seen hundreds of them, and they live on for years.
THERESA, 86: Well, if I won't have the quality of life then it's no use to live.
JANINE COHEN: So how would you do it, any idea?
THERESA, 86: Well, I'm already prepared. And I have the next best to Nembutal.
JANINE COHEN: What's that?
THERESA, 86: Oh, I don't even know the name. It's in my filing cabinet, hidden away.
JANINE COHEN: But why not grow old? Why not?
JUNE, 80: I'm old now. (Laughs)
DR RICHARD OPIE: We're not supposed to be a censorial society, but we sure are as far as suicide's concerned, or ending your own life.
JANINE COHEN: Retired surgeon and GP Richard Opie has been to two suicide workshops in Sydney.
DR RICHARD OPIE: I'm all in favour of people who want to terminate their lives at a suitable time and I think anybody over 90 must have a suitable time. Why should they be prevented from doing it? It's just ridiculous.
JANINE COHEN: Richard Opie, a WWII veteran, has no immediate plans to take his life. At 90 he's too active for that. He swims every day, plays golf twice a week, goes to the gym, plays bridge, and belongs to a book club.
DR RICHARD OPIE: Just being alive and looking at the birds and the bees and the trees, it's a source of great pleasure. Anybody who doesn't enjoy being alive, I feel sorry for them.
JANINE COHEN: Is Richard afraid of growing old?
JULIA OPIE, RICHARD'S WIFE: No. He's old. Richard's old. He's not afraid of growing old. No, he's afraid of being disabled, mainly, I think.
DR RICHARD OPIE: The reason why anybody who's not depressed wants to terminate his own life is the fact that... the very fact of living becomes so uncomfortable that you don't want to keep on doing it.
JANINE COHEN: How many years have you got left?
DR RICHARD OPIE: Well, um... I would think, two.
JANINE COHEN: Julia thinks you'll live till you're 100.
DR RICHARD OPIE: Well, Julie was an opt... She's an optimist.
JANINE COHEN: Why only two?
DR RICHARD OPIE: Well, I find... (Coughs) I find I am getting increasingly incapacitated, un...particularly compared with when... For instance, when I was 80, the last 10 years make a big difference. And the last two years has made quite a difference too.
JANINE COHEN: Some experts believe most elderly people like Richard Opie will not suicide as they'll lose the capacity before they have a chance to act.
PROFESSOR TONY BROE, GERIATRICIAN: I'm still unconvinced that it's possible to determine the moment in that long fatal illness, which is life, when you should take your life if you're fit and healthy. I just think that's...too hard.
JANINE COHEN: Do you think that is a possibility with you, that you could lose capacity?
DR RICHARD OPIE: Yes, I think that's a real possibility. For that reason, I would be prepared to advance it a little bit if I had to.
JULIA OPIE, RICHARD'S WIFE: I've got every faith in him. I think that... he's not going to do it lightly, and he's not going to do it just because something's too difficult. He does...gets through life every day with chronic pain and arthritic problems. So when he does do it, it'll be his decision and he will know when the time has come. He just does not want to be disabled.
JANINE COHEN: Is he depressed?
JULIA OPIE, RICHARD'S WIFE: No. He's the original party boy. (Laughs) No, Richard's a very social being. He's not depressed, not at all.
JANINE COHEN: 1100 elderly Australians, mostly men, suicided in the five years to 2005. They often took their lives using violent methods mostly by hanging or shooting themselves. Richard Opie plans to die peacefully.
JULIA OPIE, RICHARD'S WIFE: I would find it traumatic if he chose a violent path. And have you thought about how you would do that?
DR RICHARD OPIE: Oh, yes, I've got it worked out. Yeah.
JULIA OPIE, RICHARD'S WIFE: Well, I'd rather not discuss that because... it might give a few other people ideas and we might have the 'thought police' around here searching the house or doing something stupid like that.